Katsaros tsipouro Aged 200ml

€ 17,95
Aged tsipouro For three years it rested and balanced its character. Took keen amber color and now it carries the aromas of chocolate and white flowers. It tastes like crispy plums, almonds and fresh vanilla aftertaste. It is full of intensity and passion the moment you open an oak barrel that holds inside all your labors. This is the aged Tsipouro Katsaros.

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Bestel in onze slijterij
Aged tsipouro For three years it rested and balanced its character. Took keen amber color and now it carries the aromas of chocolate and white flowers. It tastes like crispy plums, almonds and fresh vanilla aftertaste. It is full of intensity and passion the moment you open an oak barrel that holds inside all your labors. This is the aged Tsipouro Katsaros.
Meer informatie
Merk Katsaros Nikolaos