Ouzo Barbayiannis blauw 700ml

€ 19,50

The sweet smell of aniseed and herbs gives the classic Barbayannis Blue Label Greek Ouzo a pleasant scent and a delicate flavour.

For the past five generations, the Barbayannis Ouzo Distillers in Plomari, Lesvos Greece have been lovingly producing the classic BLUE Ouzo liquor.
They use the traditional method, according to the family recipe brought by Efstathios Barbayannis from Russia in 1860, achieving 100%
distillation of the ouzo. This ouzo liquor consists of a pure essence of aniseed and sweet-smelling herbs, with an
alcohol content of 46% Vol. and contains the distinctive water of Plomari Lesvos. The renowned Ouzo Barbayanni BLUE has a pleasant scent, a pure and
transparent color, and a delicate flavor, creating on your palate sensations of spring breezes and sun-kissed seas.

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